Father, Thank You for Being Sovereign – 30 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 5
The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. – Psalm 103:19
It is our tendency to grasp for control, especially when circumstances seem completely out of control. This world can appear to be very chaotic, and truly the very real chaos that exists is due to man’s resistance to God’s wise control.
One of the amazing truths about our good God is the fact that He is in complete control without being controlling. He still allows us to make decisions and choices. He created humans knowing we would rebel against Him and destroy ourselves and each other, yet He has allowed those choices because His ultimate plan of restoration WILL be accomplished. Because he already knows every part of His creation past, present, and future, He alone knows how to turn our chaos into order. Only the all-powerful, sovereign Creator can weave our sinful choices, mistakes, and short-sightedness into His beautiful master plan.
It would be frightening to serve a Sovereign God who was not also perfect in love. While we often desire control, humanities grasping for power always results in war and destruction (James 3-4). However, God’s sovereign plan is for our good and His glory. How sweet to rest in His promise to ultimately bring justice, restore, heal, bind up, rescue, redeem, and even wipe away every single tear personally! NOTHING can stop His plan from moving forward no matter how bleak the current circumstances may appear.
PRAISE: Give praise to God for His complete control over every circumstance in life.
THANKSGIVING: Thank God for sovereignly working all things together for good for those who love Him. Thank Him for the promise to complete the work He has begun, making you into the perfect reflection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
CONFESSION: Ask God’s forgiveness for any attempt to grasp control for yourself. Ask God to help you to humbly submit to His good plans and trust His sovereign care.
FURTHER STUDY: Take some time to breathe in the truth of God’s sovereignty through His Word and respond to what He reveals.