Father, Thank You for Being Righteous – 30 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 12
For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you. – Psalm 5:4
There is no sin nor imperfection within God. He always does what is right and good. His law displays His righteous character by showing us what He loves and what He hates. Ultimately, His law reveals His love both for the other members of the Trinity as well as His creation. His perfectly righteous love always does what is most beneficial for the one He whom He has set His love upon.
When we compare ourselves to the mirror of God’s Word, we see how far short we fall from God’s righteous love. Even our best works are often laced with selfish and unrighteous motivations. In fact, God compares our righteousness to filthy rags.
But, because God is perfect love, Jesus Christ willingly gave us His righteousness in exchange for our sinfulness. He took the just wrath that we deserved, and when we call out to Him for salvation, we are declared righteous before a holy God. What an amazing gift!
For our sake hemadehimtobesin who knew no sin, so that inhim we might become the righteousness of God. – 2 Corinthians 5:21
PRAISE: Praise the Lord for His Righteousness and the assurance that all He does is right and true.
THANKSGIVING: Thank God for removing your sin and giving you Christ’s righteousness so that you can enjoy endless fellowship with Him.
CONFESSION: Ask God to reveal any unrighteousness in your heart. Confess your sin before Him knowing that He is faithful to forgive and heal. Ask God to give you a hatred for sin and hunger for His righteousness.
FURTHER STUDY: Take some time to breathe in the truth of God’s righteousness and respond to what He shows you.