Each truth given in this study corresponds with one of the images in the original picture design and expounds upon the significance of each image. Below you will find the first part of this study, and the corresponding image is the banner designed to hold a name. I created this picture and study for my daughter to remind her of who she is in Christ. This truth is so vital to cling to in times of temptation and struggle.
Downloadable Resources
– Your New Name –
Do you struggle with insecurities or believing lies that God doesn’t love you? We are constantly being told lies from the world around us as well as from our own hearts about our value, our identity, purpose, and our future hope.
Soak in the truth of what God who can never lie says about His children, and choose to live out the truth of who you are because of Him.
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. (Galatians 4:4-7)
When you accept Christ as your personal Savior, you can boldly proclaim your new identity in Christ. You have been adopted as God’s chosen child for eternity with all of the privileges of a first-born son. God loves you just as He loves Jesus Christ. As a son or daughter of the King, you belong to His precious family full of brothers and sisters in Christ. Each member of His family is chosen and special, and each is necessary for the body of Christ. You were called to love and serve your family and to enjoy sweet fellowship with them as a picture to the lost of the love that God wants to share with them.
What are just a few truths you can cling to as an adopted child of God?
- You are no longer a slave to sin or a child of wrath. Sin no longer has power over you unless you give it power.
- You are united forever with Christ because you have been purchased with His precious blood.
- Nothing can ever separate you from God’s eternal love – not even your own doubts or sin. You are held secure.
- Jesus Christ is preparing a place for you with Him eternally right now.
- You can come boldly before your heavenly Father’s throne at any time, night or day in order to find grace and help in time of need.
Do you know what it means to accept God’s gift of salvation? If not, check out this series on The Gospel – God’s Good News of Salvation.
Read the following passages slowly and meditate on the truths found within. You may want to commit one or more passages to memory.
Ephesians 1:3-23; Romans 8; Galatians 4:1-7
Be sure to respond to God as He reveals or reminds you of truths about Himself. Every time you read God’s Word, God’s Spirit is inviting you to enter into a conversation with Him. Breathe in His truth with a humble, teachable heart, and breathe out your response of praise, thanksgiving, confession, and repentance as is fitting.
– Full Study Resources –
While the study above is taken from a specific picture and is designed as an 8-day study, the My Identity in Christ Coloring Interactive Bible Study is a fuller study on the topic and is designed for a 20-day study. The links below are for the hard copy devotionals and printable coloring pages and Scripture cards.