The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45)
Do you find it difficult to control your tongue? Do you feel guilt and regret over words that you have spoken to others or even to yourself? I certainly do! I designed this simple cactus craft and Bible study to remind myself of the beauty and life that can come from my mouth, as well as the prickly words that produce pain and even death. In the book of James, we read that it is impossible for any human to tame the tongue. What can be done? Jesus Christ must first change our hearts so that His love and truth pour out of every conversation.
It might seem obvious, but this first step is the most often overlooked part of a conversation about words. Listening (not just hearing) is an act of humility. It acknowledges that someone else has something to say that is worthy of our full attention. It is a way of admitting that another has knowledge or information that we don’t possess. It is believing that we need to be fully engaged in order to understand what is being communicated. Of course, what God has to say is of utmost importance. Jesus Christ reminded His disciples in John 15 that apart from abiding in Him, they could do nothing (and neither can we).
Study it Out
- According to Luke 6:46-49 and James 1:22-26, what proves that we are listening to what God has told us through His Word?
- To whom does God compare someone who is quick to give their opinion before listening fully according to Proverbs 29:20?
- Why is it necessary to humbly and patiently listen to someone else in order to better understand what they are thinking or experiencing? (Proverbs 20:25)
Personal Application
Do you find yourself thinking ahead to your response or interrupting while someone else is talking? This is evidence that you also may need to consider how well you are listening to God through His Word?
Additional Resources
Click Here to find the full Bible study along with Scripture memory flashcards on Etsy.
You can also find a printable of Luke 6:45 on Etsy avaialble in three different dimensions and styles.

Are you looking for more devotional or Scripture memory resources? Find gifts, artwork, crafts and other devotional printables at You can also find the original Breathing Grace 50 day devotional on along with a 30 day devotional for Thanksgiving and a 31 day devotional and ornament maker for Advent. All devotionals are available in both KJV and ESV versions of the Bible.