I’ve been reading The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges and thought the excerpt below was a fitting one for Valentine’s week. 1 Corinthians 13 is all about Jesus Christ — the source and defintion of LOVE. He humbled Himself to demonstrate His great love for us (Philippians 2, John 3:16), and He gives us the grace to love others in the same way.This “love list” taken from the book provides a good opportunity to ask myself if my life is reflecting this kind of love for those around me.
- I am patient with you because I love you and want to forgive you.
- I am kind to you because I love you and want to help you.
- I do not envy your possessions or your gifts because I love you and want you to have the best.
- I do not boast about my attainments because I love you and want to hear about yours.
- I am not proud because I love you and want to esteem you before myself.
- I am not self-seeking because I love you and want to meet your needs.
- I am not easily angered by you because I love you and want to overlook your offenses.
- I do not keep a record of your wrongs because I love you, and “love covers a multitude of sins.”
We can’t love like this on our own. It is completely impossible. But, we neither need to live in guilt nor self-righteousness. God’s grace is enough!
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace. – The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges