Day 7 – Share the Hope of the Gospel
The Gospel is what makes any of the previously mentioned habits possible. We come to salvation in Christ when we listen and believe the truth of the Gospel and confess our sins to Him asking for forgiveness and cleansing. When we place our trust into Christ alone, He begins the process of making us like Himself. God gives us His indwelling Holy Spirit who helps us to listen to and understand truth from His Word. The Spirit daily exposes sin that we need to confess. He reminds us of God’s good gifts, bringing comfort, peace, joy, and gratitude to our hearts. He empowers us to walk in wisdom and obey His command to love one another. He also enables us to boldly share this same hope with others. Just as we read previously, we are called to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ and disciple-makers for His glory. This involves coming alongside others to guide them toward a loving, dependent relationship with Christ. Think about the vital part that our words play in this entire process.
Study it Out
- What is the good news of the Gospel according to Ephesians 2:1-11? How does reminding ourselves of these truths daily change the focus of our thoughts and conversations with others?
- What has Christ commanded us to do as His followers according to Matthew 28:18-20? By Whose authority are we able to obey?
Personal Application
Are you setting your hope in the promises of Christ found in His Word? How can you share the hope of Christ , today with the lost as well as your brothers and sisters in Christ?